Schedule your parent literacy workshop today
After teaching language arts for over 13 years, Glen has reimagined what it means to support parents. From both an in-person approach to an online virtual presentation, Glen's highly effective strategies and approaches to teaching K-6 learners has become heavily sought after. Language development is at the core of all we do as learners and thinkers and Glen has provided hundreds of parents with the support that they need to ensure success for their children. Strategies made simple is his promise to increasing at home support.
Words about the programming that Glen created for parents
"There was a stigma that some of our black boys and even girls didn't want to read," said Mourning. "I argued the difference between them not having quality material that represented themselves."
Hence, the educator developed "The Crunchy Life Education Series," a nationwide tour to promote literacy with his own literature specifically targeting disenfranchised youth.